The objective of the the conference campaign booklet was to design a booklet that delegates would bring to the conference to be able to reference and take notes while they're attending. The booklet must follow the design theme of the rest of the project and must have a cover page, table of contents, name and theme page, schedule, speakers, notes page, save the date page, and a thank you to our sponsors page.
Here are the sketches from the cover page to the speakers page. These sketches were to figure out a potential layout for these pages in the booklet. They were a way to get ideas flowing and spot any major errors to fix before digitalizing the booklet.
For the cover of the booklet, I changed it from the poster by removing some of the ice chunks along the sides and only had them along the bottom. I wanted to show that the ice was breaking and melting away on the inside cover and table of contents. This was to illustrate the effects of climate change in the arctic by making the chunks smaller and fewer as the pages go by.
I wanted to include an image of an ice burg on the name and theme page so I quickly did a sketch of what that might look like. I also included some ice chunks on the welcome page and split the schedule into two columns with one being times and the other being the events.